
Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS - WordPress.org
Open source software which you can use to easily create a beautiful website, blog, or app.

wordpress - My Note (マイノート)
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Geeklog Japan - Another Nifty Geeklog Site

Ghost: The best open source blog & newsletter platform
Beautiful, modern publishing with email newsletters and paid subscriptions built-in. Used by Platformer, 404Media, Lever...

Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites
Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs

Joomla Content Management System (CMS) - try it! It's free!
Joomla! is the mobile-ready and user-friendly way to build your website. Choose from thousands of features and designs. ...
Joomla! じゃぱん - Joomla! JAPAN
Joomla!じゃぱん - オープンソースCMS Joomla!日本語化プロジェクト
TYPO3 - the professional, flexible CMS
TYPO3 is a free enterprise-class CMS based on PHP. It combines open source code with reliability and true scalability. T...

Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites
Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
GroupSpaces is now discontinued
Open source constituent relationship management for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organizations. | CiviCRM

Tendenci - The Open Source AMS
Our mission is to Connect and Organize the World's People. Do Good. We built an OPEN, multilingual, top 10 global AMS.
Admidio – Free online membership management software
Admidio is a free online membership management, which is optimized for associations, groups and organizations. In additi...
GitHub - castlamp/zenbership: (2015) Zenbership Membership Software: Achieve Membership Nirvana
(2015) Zenbership Membership Software: Achieve Membership Nirvana - castlamp/zenbership
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The PHP CMS built for Laravel.

ProcessWire: An open source CMS with a powerful API
ProcessWire is a free PHP open source CMS with a great API built to save you time and make development fun at any scale.

Zenario: open source CMS for websites, databases and extranets
The open source CMS for websites, databases and customer portals, Zenario has an intuitive design interface for designer...

Home - Fork CMS
Silverstripe CMS » the open source CMS that empowers great web teams
Silverstripe CMS is the intuitive, open-source content management system and flexible framework loved by editors and dev...
Free Open Source CMS
Get the power of the most user-friendly open source content management system written in PHP5 - Subrion! Spice up the fr...

Textpattern CMS | Open source content management system
Textpattern CMS is a free, PHP open source CMS (content management system) with a browser-based interface in over 50 lan...
Attention Required! | Cloudflare
Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management — Plone: Enterprise Level CMS - Free and OpenSource - Community Driven - Secure
Plone is an open-source content management system (CMS) with over 20 years of stability and security wrapped in a modern...
Plone 6.0 : The Ultimate Enterprise CMS — Plone - エンタープライズ・オープンソースCMS Plone Users Group Japan
Plone 6.0は最新のオープンソースWebコンテンツ管理システムで、使いやすさと柔軟性が大幅に向上しています。アダプティブレイアウトと強力なブロックシステムにより、専門知識がなくてもレスポンシブなページを直感的に作成できます。

MediaWiki/ja - MediaWiki

baserCMS - 国産オープンソース!フリー(無料)でコンテンツ管理に強いCMS
国産オープンソース(OSS)!『コンテンツ管理に強いCMS(コンテンツマネージメントシステム)』。baser CMS(ベーサーシーエムエス)は、日本人が日本の webクリエイターのために開発しているオープンソースCMSで、コーポレートサイト...

Concrete CMS is an open source content management system for teams. A website builder with built in tools make editing c...
Just a moment...
Joruri CMS Ver.1-3 | 自治体向けコンテンツ管理システム「Joruri CMS 2020」
Grav - A Modern Flat-File CMS | Grav CMS
Grav is a Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS.
Pico - A stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Pico is a flat file CMS, this means there is no administration backend and database to deal with. You simply create .md ...
JS CMS紹介サイト
OpenCms, the Open Source Java Web Content Management System
OpenCms from Alkacon Software, the open source content management system (CMS) based on Java and XML for public internet...
OpenCms, the Open Source Java Web Content Management System
OpenCms from Alkacon Software, the open source content management system (CMS) based on Java and XML for public internet...

Movable Type Open Source | CMSプラットフォーム Movable Type ドキュメントサイト
MTOSは脆弱性対応を含む開発が終了していますが、無償もしくは低価格で利用可能な Movable Type もありますので、用途に合わせて利用をご検討ください。
純国産オープンソースCMS フリー(無料)軽量高速CMS Onethird CMS
For E-Commerce

【公式】EC-CUBE - 独自のUI/UXを実現しECビジネスを成功に導く
月商1,000万円以上のネットショップ利用数 No.1。自由自在のカスタマイズでオーナーのアイデアを具現化。BtoCもBtoBも、オンリーワンの顧客体験を提供し、競争優位性を創出する理想のサイト構築が実現できるECパッケージです。※ ECマ...
マーケットプレイス&モール型ECサイト構築パッケージ : CS-Cart
モール型EC、オンラインマーケットプレイスの構築なら「CS-Cart」。導入実績 50,000件以上。PHP+MySQLで動作。安心&快適なサーバー付きのプランもご提供。
WEB MART クッキー式買物カート : KENT-WEB CGI/Perl フリーソフト
osCommerce サポート・ドキュメント - ECサイト構築システム